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6.8.3 - NVME Cache Drive Dissappeared then Reappeared as Unmountable

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I woke up to a new error message today: "Warning [SERENITY] - Cache pool BTRFS missing device(s)" and found my cache drive (NVME) to be missing. A reboot didn't fix it so I shut it down, checked the BIOS and found the drive was still recognized by the mobo at the very least. When I powered back up I saw "critical media error" flash by during boot but once in the UI, the drive was magically available again to mount as the cache drive. After mounting I was greeted with "Unmountable: No file system" and stopped there. I saw this guide but am looking for input before I begin going down an unfamiliar path. I've attached my syslog and the SMART report for the drive with the following seeming to be the highlight:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!
- available spare has fallen below threshold
- media has been placed in read only mode


Syslog had many iterations of this with different sector numbers:
kernel: print_req_error: critical medium error, dev nvme0n1, sector 272



Is this drive dead or is it simply that the filesystem has suddenly been corrupted? I do run a weekly cache appdata backup on Mondays at 3am, but the initial error message came around midnight. I'm hoping my backup is intact.


Thanks for any help, I've been running Unraid for a while now but like many, just keep learning as I go along. I appreciate your patience. WDC_WDS256G1X0C-00ENX0_174264804634-20210201-1844.txt


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Thanks @JorgeB, this was my first NVME drive - are they really that short lived? I didn't expect using it as a cache drive and for the usual Plex related dockers would be that hard on it - certainly less than using it as a windows OS drive..


Oh well, glad to hear this is likely the issue, I needed a bigger one anyway!

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