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Plex Media Server symlink permissions


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I only recently started learning about Linux's permission and user system, and combining it with Unraid and docker it's not my level yet, so I'm looking forward to your help.


I have a Plex docker with mapped /mnt/user/plex_data/DATA/symlink_A that leads to /mnt/user/A.
From what I've read in order for this to work I need to give the plex access to this "A" share so it can read its contents.
How I go about finding how is the plex user colled (or its user-id?) and how to give it (preferably only read) access to the data?


So far I managed to find a work-around and map host path: /mnt/user/A as a container path: /A and it works as intended, so is it viable as a good long-term option or just a silly temporary solution?


With the above-mentioned possibility, it is not actually necessary for me to create this topic, but I think it may help someone with a similar problem in the future, and it gives the opportunity to learn something about the permissions system in Unraid 😄

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Why do you want to map Plex to a symlink rather than just to /user/A? What's the purpose for that?



4 hours ago, Eksitus said:

So far I managed to find a work-around and map host path: /mnt/user/A as a container path: /A and it works as intended, so is it viable as a good long-term option or just a silly temporary solution?

That's not a work-around or a temporary solution.. that's how you are "supposed" to have Plex mapped..  Give Plex access to the share or shares that has your media.


4 hours ago, Eksitus said:

it is not actually necessary for me to create this topic




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You have to decide how you want the unRaid file system to be presented in Krusader.


Many Krusader users will have mappings that might be something like:


/mnt/user   -> /media

/mnt          -> /drives

/mnt          -> /unraid


In theory the second mapping includes the first and the third includes the other two but keeping them separate can be a good idea as it give you a good idea at what level you are currently accessing the Unraid file system


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