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IPv6 and IPv4 setup help


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Hey all I know this might be a long shot but is there anyway I can have IPv4 and IPv6 in unraid.


My problem is my ISP supplies me a dual stack lite for my internet access so there is no way for me to open ports to access some of my dockers remotely via IPv4. I understand this isn't a problem with IPv6.


What I would like is everything to use IPv4 with the exception of nextcloud, bitwarden, etc.. so I can access them remotely.


Is this possible? Both my IPv4 and IPv6 would need to be passed to unraid via VLANs: VLAN40 & VLAN50?


I am no networking specialist, I merely watch videos and read guides to accomplish what I need most of the time. So my understanding of IPv4 and definitely IPv6 is minimal.


Thank you for any help!

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