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[SOLVED] All existing disks missing


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I'm on Unraid 6.8.2 and I have 1 parity(4TB), 2 Data(4TB & 1TB), and 1 Cache NVMe (1TB). Everything was working fine until yesterday, when i was trying to add one more GPU to the system (in addition to 1 i already had - Passthrough). This operation didn't go very smooth for some reason, leading to unraid hangs a few times, that required me to perform hard resets unfortunately! The last time eveything worked fine (i.e both GPU's together) and then when i restarted after removing the newly added GPU, Unraid says 1Parity + 2 Data disks missing. Cache is recognized but in offline state. Bios is able to see all the disks so no issues there. Please help.


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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] All existing disks missing

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