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v6.8.3-Server keeps locking up with all cores at 100%


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I've attached logs from my server which I primarily use as a Plex/Usenet/Torrent machine. At what appear to be random times, my home server will start running all cores at 100% (server has Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1225 with 4 cores) which will prevent Plex from working at all. All docker pages take up to a minute or more to load while this is happening. Any current streams, primarily local streams, immediately will start buffering and typically crash. Notably, the problem never happens when Plex starts a stream, always happens somewhere in the middle.


I've searched quite a few times for a solution to this and have tried a lot of potential solutions in the past. None of them has fixed the issue consistently. I've tried to go through the logs myself but I'm not familiar with them enough to know how to pinpoint a problem.


I've attached diagnostic logs from 3:15pm today, 2-10 minutes after the problem started, and 4:20pm today, when the problem was still ongoing. Let me know what other information could prove helpful because I'm desperate to get this figured out.

unraid-diagnostics-20210218-1515.zip unraid-diagnostics-20210218-1620.zip

Edited by markwhat
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