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UnRaid Nvidia Driver Support?

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Hi All,

My goal is to use my UnRaid system as a PC with a HDMI LED monitor, keyboard and mouse connected to it. And not use it as a headless unit via my network. The problem is I am using a SuperMicro motherboard and it only has a VGA out connector on it.  So I am adding an old Nvidia Galaxy video card to my SuperMicro motherboard so I can make it possible to connect my HDMI monitor to my UnRaid System. It would be great if my HDMI LED monitor supported the VGA format but it does not.


Can someone in the community please clarify the following. How do I get my UnRaid OS to work with my Nvidia card being that Nvidia does not make a driver specifically coded for the UnRaid OS?  Is there any add on I could install that will enable my UnRaid OS to support the HDMI display monitor standard without the need of installing an Nvidia driver?   Any tips will be greatly appreciated.



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If you are intending to use the Monitor within a VM passing through the graphics card to the VM then it is the VM that is responsible for providing the drivers.


Nvidia drivers ARE available in the Unraid 6.9.0-rc2 release (although you have to use a plugin to activate them) if you do not intend to pass the GPU to a VM.  Whether they support the specific card you mention I am not sure.

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