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GUI suddenly inaccessible, powerdown and back on didn't fix it


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This morning I found I could not log into the UnRaid GUI nor any Docker app I have running under the same IP but a different port. I think the Dockers are actually running though because I can access my Plex server from outside. I can SSH in putty so I did a clean shutdown and then started it up again. Unfortunately, the problem still remains. I'm not sure how to post diagnostics without the GUI. I'm not sure what happened overnight that caused this. Any help is appreciated.


ps aux | grep emhttp

shows emhttp is running

Edited by bobbintb
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1 hour ago, itimpi said:

You can create diagnostics from the command line using the ‘diagnostics’ command and the results will be put into the ‘logs’ folder on the flash drive.



<sarcasm> Geez, couldn't they make it any more convoluted and cryptic?</sarcasm>

Now I feel silly for not having thought of that. Seems obvious now.

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