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No WAN access after second NIC installed


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Pls check does eth1 still setting as previous, as mention, eth1 shouldn't setting same subnet as eth0.

Suppose remove gateway at eth1 could fix the problem.




What eth1 use for ?

Edited by Vr2Io
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I think I understand what you are saying now. Both ethernet connections were on the same subnet.


My original goal was to have my virtual machine run on the secondary NIC. This NIC card and VM were on the same subnet. Somewhere along the way I think the secondary NIC started acting as the primary for unraid.


I couldn't have the server down to try and figure out the solution. So I uninstalled the NIC and restored from the backup. But I promise you I didn't do anything to the router or any other network configuration outside of the unraid software.


I'm not sure what the correct installation is for adding a secondary NIC card. I'll do some research on the forums and look around. 


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