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Help resolving my first red X drive, repairing physical vs emulated drive?

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Saw a warning about 2 days ago that a disk was running out of space and then today saw a error notification that the disk is in error. I'm thinking I'd like to try recovering the same physical disk as a first step.


I followed this part of the Wiki for checking and repairing a file system. I ran it in check-only mode and then again to write changes. But the Wiki mentions: 

If the drive is marked as disable and being emulated then the repair is run against the emulated drive and not the physical drive. It is frequently done before attempting to rebuild a drive as it is the contents of the emulated drive that is used by the rebuild process.


My disk is disabled. So I'm wondering what else I need to do? So far I have not rebooted (step 5) after doing the repair since I'm not sure if I need to do anything to the physical drive first. 


Appreciate any pointers!

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If the repair against the emulated drive has worked and you can now see all the expected files on the emulated drive then what you do is follow the process for rebuilding the physical drive (to make it match the emulated one).   Only if the emulated drive does not look correct do you want to consider any alternative action.

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