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(SOLVED) Server Inaccessible after Upgrade to 6.9.0

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I did the upgrade through the web console to Unraid 6.9 and when the reboot completed the system seems inaccessible.


 - Web GUI is not found

 - Docker services are not found

 - System does not respond to ping/tracert


When I check the local console, I am able to log in to the system, and from the number / names of active processes it seems that everything has started up. Docker is running, docker services appear to be running, ps shows what looks to be a full slate of processes running.


I've rebooted in safe mode, no change.


When I try to boot to the GUI mode, the boot sequence completes and I end up on a black screen with a cursor blinking. It gets no further. It's still responsive, because I can reboot it (ctrl-alt-del) and it does a 'graceful' shutdown and restart, but the GUI never appears.


At boot, it's showing the assigned IP (; static DHCP allocation on the router), and the IP is assigned to br0 -- which I think is correct. When I try to ping something from the unrade system console, it's sending those pings from which would be a valid IP but isn't being assigned from the DHCP pool.

At this point I'm a bit at a loss for where to even look for a solution, or which logs to check. There don't appear to be any obvious errors in syslog, but I admit that I'm a bit out of my depth.

Edited by kdmurray
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Additional information / testing:


  • If I try to ping an internet IP (eg I get ping responses.
  • If I try to ping an internet hostname (eg google.com) I get "Name or service not known"
  • If I try to ping a LAN IP (eg. I get: "Destination Host Unreachable" -- this is telling because that IP is the Gateway / DNS for the network
  • If I manually edit resolv.conf to point to I get ping responses from Internet hostnames (eg google.com; cheese.com)


All other devices on my LAN are still using as their default gateway/DNS without incident. Multiple platforms and over multiple days since I attempted the upgrade on Wednesday night.


I'm guessing there's some kind of network customization I must have done to support some Docker or VM that I had running prior to the upgrade. Not sure where to look from the command line though.

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Update - Things are working, but still not sure what went wrong.


I found that the Wireguard interface (wg0) was set to auto-start. By removing that from the /boot/config/wireguard/autostart file everything came back up as normal.


I'm still not sure what would have changed as a result of the upgrade, or whether this would have happened on restart regardless -- the upgrade was the first system reboot in more than 7 months, and the first since WireGuard was initially installed around year-end.


I'm marking this as resolved, but if anyone has any insights as to why WireGuard would cause this, I'd love to better understand.

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  • kdmurray changed the title to (SOLVED) Server Inaccessible after Upgrade to 6.9.0

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