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Web terminal / Krusader disconnect/reconnect issue

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Very new user of Unraid with no previous experience in anything other than Win/Mac.


I've followed many tutorials available and have managed to get set up in some kind of fashion.

However I now have the above issue where I lose connection in Krusader or terminal.  A refresh of the page sorts it, but it's for no more than 5-10 secs.  


The problem only seems to exist when using my Mac, but I can't live with that scenario.  I appreciate that there is a very strong possibility that the problem is outside of Unraid but I just can't begin to understand what is required.  All has been fine for a good few weeks (albeit slow webgui)


I get the same issue on Brave Browser, Safari and a freshly installed Firefox browser. 


I believe this is my starting point here.


And thank you in advance for any assistance received, because one thing for sure is I do need it.




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  • 2 months later...

Did you get any help?
I recently observe that the terminal and any VNC connection (via website) to unraid VMs stay open no longer than a few seconds, after which I need to reconnect.

 Using a Windows 10 Client with Chrome. No problems with software VNC viewer connecting to the unraid VMs.

Edited by lamer
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