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6.9.0 Cache performance capped

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I'm a unraid-noob. Please be gentle.


My server is also my daily driver. It has a dedicated VM with a barebone Samsung 980 1TB. When tested it can deliver 1.6GB/s.


I'm filling up my server, but it seems to take forever. I can live with 500GB burst to fill the cache and than leave it overnight, but even that seems sluggish. I had 1 SSD cache pool (850 250GB, 850 500GB, 860 500GB) but it peaked at 140MB/s with large files. Doing multiple transfers at the same time or small files brings it down to even single digits. Even my 2nd cache with 2 2.5" 1TB WD red could deliver the same speeds... And even with both caches in use, it doesn't provide any improvement.


What it tried:

• Reduce the mismatch between SSDs to (850 500GB, 860 500GB)

• Check if SSD Trim was enabled

• Verify the write speed to individual disks with the docker DiskSpeed (ok: ±550MB/s)

• ...


What i finally discovered:

• In my Win10 task manager I see that my "network"-speed is capped at ±1Gbps. Seems like a familiar networking speed...

Coincidence or is the cache just that slow? Or is there any way around this to achieve that same snappy 550MB/s performance (when writing something to it) that I'm used to in my old windows configuration with these cache drives. Especially since it is one and the same machine.




P.S. ignore the disk1 errors in the logs. A new one is ordered.



Edited by UNRAID_Hydra
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  • UNRAID_Hydra changed the title to 6.9.0 Cache performance capped

You can bond connections but a single client will be limited to 1Gb/s.


I have two nics bonded, but I am using LACP which the switch has to support also.


Have a look at the help text for network settings. Below is my setup, as I said the switch has to support also for my option.



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