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No longer able to connect to internet after a shutdown

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I shutdown the server to install a GPU and after restart, the IP address was a 169.x.x.x.  During the startup I do see a message cannot find device "br1" br1 does not exist.

I've checked the hardware and both the bios settings for the server and the gui in unraid still recognize the NIC, but I'm not sure what I've done that wont allow it to connect.

I have checked my router (UI Dream Machine) and there are no settings that would keep it from connecting.

At this point I have removed the GPU and still am not able to reconnect.


Any help to get me back together would be much appreciated.

UNRAID 6.8.3

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Your NIC is not getting an IP address from your router so it's self-assigning one. It could be that you disturbed the cable when working on your server. If it isn't that then post your diagnostics. To do that, you might need to connect a monitor and keyboard. Log in as the root user and type


and post the resulting zip file (in the logs directory in the root of your boot flash device).


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