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Crash (kernel panic) after upgrade to 6.9.2

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I recently updated my system to 6.9.2.  Today (maybe late last night), my system crashed for the first time ever. It's been running stable without incident since I built this new system back in April 2020 (my third unRAID build since 2010).  


I have no idea if the crash was a result of the upgrade or just pure coincidence.  But, I thought I would post my system diagnostics and a screenshot of the crash just in case anyone has any thoughts or similar experiences.  The attached screenshot is just a photo of my console after the crash.  I wan't able to get the log off the system prior to rebooting since it was totally dead.  The screenshot is the only info I have about the events leading up to the crash.


I rebooted my system earlier this afternoon and it's currently running a parity check.






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