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Transfer starts good then stalls

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I just started testing my Unraid build and am having a problem with the transfer of files from a Qnap NAS to my new Unraid server.


I mounted a nfs share with Unassigned Devices and started a transfer with Kursader. When the transfer begins, the speed is maxed out at around 1000Mbps because of the LAN connection. All goes well for about 20-30GiB after that it usually drops to a few hundred KiB/s of simply stalls.


After a bit of fiddling, i changed the Disk Cache 'vm.dirty_background_ratio' (%): to 10% and Disk Cache 'vm.dirty_ratio' (%): to 4% 


This seemed to fix the issue (was able to transfer 400GiB) until I started a preclear on an unmounted hard drive connected via a HBA card. Then the speed then dropped to a few hundred KiB/s/stalled. 


Edit : After it stalls, it I cancel the copy and start a new instance, it copies back at around 1000Mbps. 


For the moment, I'm not using any parity disks and the issue happens with a xfs and an encrypted xfs file system.


I also tied TurboWrite but it didn't have any noticeable difference. 


Any idea on what to try that could help would be great.


My build is currently like this:

  • Motherboard : Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master
  • CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
  • 4 hard drives connected to MoBo
  • 4 hard drives connected to LSI SAS9305-16i 
  • all hard drives are 8Tb WD Red
  • 2x 16GiB of Corsair Vengeance LPX, DDR4


Edited by Joris
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