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what are these drive errors?

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Added a new drive a few days ago. Ran a preclear on it 3 times with no issues. Last night I notice the drive was disabled. Reseated Sata cable with no change. Changed out the Sata cable and no change. Reseated power cable and eventually the drive came up and is now rebuilding but still seeing some errors. Don't think it is the drive itself, maybe power supply or sata port possibly? Looks like the link just keeps resetting. Anyway, wanted others to take a look.


I've attached a full syslog and below is a link to the syslog filtered for just drive related stuff. I'm running 4.7




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The errors look like interface issues, not physical drive issues, so chances are good there is nothing wrong with the drive.  And since the BadCRC flag was raised at least once, there is a very good possibility that the problem is just a bad SATA cable!  The drive is the one dgaschk mentioned, Disk 5, serial ending in 738.

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