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Can I go 5.0rc11 direct to latest version? If so.. How?

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I've been using UnRaid since v2, but I've never jumped into all the wonderful extra features.


I'm on 5.0rc11, I never upgraded beyond that after a hardware compatibility scare that at the time I just didn't want to get my head around.


I'm happy to lose all my settings/disk allocations, but I want to ensure my data is safe.


2 questions:

1/ Is there a command line way to see what processor & memory my unbraid has?  It was pretty powerful at the time, but that was a few years ago.


2/ Is there a quick & easy way to upgrade directly to the latest version so I can start seeing what I've been missing?



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Thank you, I've followed it carefully.


It appears my UnRaid is a Core2Duo CPU with 3GB Ram, I may well need to do a hardware upgrade too.


It'll do for now, but my UnRaid Boot USB is also 1gb, and is very old, probably since v2 or 3.   Is it complicated to swap to a new stick?  the GUID mentioned in the setup instructions is unique to that specific stick isn't it?  Is much stored on the stick in v6?





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