Problem with mounting volumes

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Yesterday I started learning Docker for development purposes. I created simple app with Node.js server and SQLite database on backend and React on frontend.

App is creating db.sqlite file in /data directory which I wanted to mount to access the file. However when I open directory on host side, the file is not there. I've been working on it for the last 4 hours and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.


Here is mu Dockerfile. Right now I'm building React app manually.


FROM node:14-alpine


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .

RUN mkdir ./public ./data
RUN mv ./client/build/* ./public
RUN rm -rf ./client


CMD ["node", "server.js"]


I'm then starting the container with:

docker run --name app -p 5030:5000 -v /mnt/user/appdata/users:/data username/usersapp


When container is running and I console into it I can run ls /data and I can see the database file being there but it's not in the /mnt/user/appdata/users


Is there something fundamentally wrong I'm doing here?


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According to your screen shots the ‘data’ folder inside the container  is not relative to the / folder inside the container but in a folder relative to a home folder, but the Docker run command IS mapping it at the host level to be relative to /.    That will be why you are seeing what you describe.


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41 minutes ago, itimpi said:

According to your screen shots the ‘data’ folder inside the container  is not relative to the / folder inside the container but in a folder relative to a home folder, but the Docker run command IS mapping it at the host level to be relative to /.    That will be why you are seeing what you describe.


After changing it from :/data to :/app/data it’s working now. I read through all these articles and code examples and I was sure all the mappings were relative to the WORKDIR. 

Thanks for help

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