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GPU Pass through worked but no output nor VM seems to boot correctly (no network)

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I am new to UnRAID just installed this week and the process has been pretty straight forward, except for one thing which was working fine then just suddenly stopped. I suspect it might be a hardware fault but not 100% sure so wondering what everyone else's thoughts are. 


I've installed UnRaid on a Asus Z170 Pro Gaming Motherboard, Intel I7 CPU Skylake and 32GB DDR 4 of RAM with a pretty old Nvidia GeForce GTX 760. 


I successfully installed UnRAID and installed a Windows 10 Pro VM fine and then figured out to pass through the GPU to the VM hooked up to my TV and everything worked fine. Then I shut the VM down and the UnRAID server over night as there was no need to leave it on. The next morning booted it up and UnRAID booted fine, then turned the Windows 10 VM on, and UnRAID went offline (could no longer access Web GUI or ping IP address). 


I power cycled the server, and then during POST I got the message "Power Surge Detected - PSU triggered surge protection at last boot". I cleared the message thinking it was just a one time hiccup and then booted the VM again and then again lost access to UnRAID and power cycled and got the same message at POST about a power surge. 


I then changed the VM config back to VNC and then successfully booted the VM and set it on a static IP and turned off firewall temporary so I could ping the server and then shut back down and re-configured to use the GPU pass through again. Again UnRAID timed out and on power cycle got the power surge message again. 


I noticed the power surge protector I had used, the surge protection light had gone out so presumed the surge protector wasn't working so bought a new extension lead and re-tested, however now when I boot the Windows 10 VM UnRAID stays up and reported the VM as started, but it can't ping so its like its not booting for some reason when the GPU is passed through. I shutdown the VM and put back to VNC and then the VM boots successfully. 


The GPU at least works on the UnRAID boot (the non GUI haven't tried booting it with the GUI) so wondering if maybe the GPU has developed a fault where it can copy with displaying the terminal output from UnRAID on boot but anything slightly more demanding such as the Windows 10 GUI it fails. I hope its not a GPU failure as now would be a really bad time to by a new GPU. 


Anyone else seen this before or got any advice to debug what the issue is. I unfortunately don't have another PC I can use to plugin the GPU to a normal PC and see if it behaves any differently. 




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5 hours ago, JorgeB said:

This is usually a PSU problem.

I wondered if it might be PSU but dismissed it because it only happens when the GPU is passed through to the VM (doesn't happen anymore either since I changed the surge protector extension the server was connected to). 

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