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5900x + GB Aorus Pro x570 + RX570 --> VMs do not work

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I am new to Unraid and a bit lost. I would be thankful for any help or pointing me in the right direction/thread.


The problem: 

I can neither get Win10, nor Macinabox Big Sur to run as a VM.


Trying to add a Win10-VM already fails during creation, thus not even creating the VM- the error that I get is a popup window telling me

VM creation error
internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor


Setting up Macinabox essentially fails when I try to allocate multiple cores and add GPU-passthrough (with a specific BIOS-file)- resulting in a black screen and one cpu-core staying on 100% load all the time. (I did follow SpaceinvaderOne's steps).


My Hardware:

- Ryzen 5900x

- Gigabyte Aorus Pro x570

- Sapphire Pulse RX 570


See the attachments for the IOMMU and Mac-VM-XML.

(I have no checkbox for "Bind selected to VFIO at boot" checked)

IOMMU.rtf MacOsBigSur

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I think posting your template settings would help a bit if you can... As for the Macintosh, I find it difficult to find a compatible gpu for passthrough. I know that High Sierra can run on some NVIDIA cards but I think if you try anything higher it'll be tricky, especially with Big Sur. Wish I was more of a help on the Mac VM.


The Windows VM should be no problem so I'm curious to see how your settings are. I'm not too familiar running an AMD GPU on a Windows VM but I don't remember coming across any issues with that online or on any of Spaceinvaders videos.

Edited by acurunner79
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Hello again,


thank you for the answer. In the meantime I was actually able to get almost everything running. Both Win10 and MacOS Big Sur are running- seemingly with GPU passthrough. I could not yet benchmark the systems and the MacOS has very slow internet connection. Once I was able to verify the capabilities and sort out the slow-internet-issue I will post as many details as I can here, so potentially help users with similar setups.
If anyone has suggestions for the internet-problem in the meantime I would obviously be grateful :)



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