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Unraid 6.9.2 - Fairly consistent crashing

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Hello all,


Since I started using Unraid about a year ago (I think at version 6.8.3), I've been experiencing a lot of crashes. It used to happen every few days. I changed the cheap Microcenter USB stick to a better Sandisk model, which seemed to fix that. Now it will stay running for about 15-20 days before crashing. If I happen to catch the virtual kvm output, it's usually a bunch of gibberish with kernel panic thrown in there.


I recently updated to 6.9.2 and got a new error in the vKVM as seen in the following screen shot:


unraid crash screenshot


Looks like some sort of corruption, but I'm not sure how to go about fixing it. No doubt a result of the many, many hard resets of the server over the past year.


I have some drives I need to swap out, but I'm always scared the server will crash during a parity rebuild.


Thanks for any assistance!


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