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Transmission issues....with new update


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So I installed the new transmission update from unmenu. When I change the install location it installs..but then i go to edit variables to change the port ...hit reinstall the new port doesn't take into effect...the old port stays. I checked all the setting.json and local files and they all have the new port number but it wont' connect to the new port..its stays with the old port no matter what i do...Any ideas

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So I installed the new transmission update from unmenu. When I change the install location it installs..but then i go to edit variables to change the port ...hit reinstall the new port doesn't take into effect...the old port stays. I checked all the setting.json and local files and they all have the new port number but it wont' connect to the new port..its stays with the old port no matter what i do...Any ideas

You'll probably need to stop and re-start transmission for it to start using the new port.
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i did that i stop  and started it even restarted the whole array..nothing...my port just won't change. I even checked every setting file...


is there a hidden file or something?


all I did is change the setting from the regular flash to /mnt/user/blah

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