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anyway to speed up "MOVER" or be able to stop it other then a reboot

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i just got a 2TB drive  to replace my lancache ..  i been using the lancache  on my array


but using mover .. to move the files off the array is going 5-13mb/s  i got like 1TB of cache to move over.. how do you speed it up..

i tried unbalance but it cant see past 1 cache drive  as i have multiple


and is there a way to stop Mover command  other then a reboot..  be nice to click Stop  so i can unmount drive or what not...  


as i think i guess i need to use Krusader to move the folders off the array to  ssd.

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4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

but it cant see past 1 cache drive  as i have multiple

It should be able to see everything if you have /mnt/user mapped to say /UNRAID

4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

and is there a way to stop Mover command  other then a reboot..  be nice to click Stop  so i can unmount drive or what not...  

When it's running, you can go to MAIN, Array Operations and hit stop mover.  It will finish the current file in progress


Mover is inherently slow due to how it has to work (keep track of symlinks etc).  Krusader will be far faster.

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@Squid   so for unbalance  i dont know how you map to say /unraid     i did post in unblance plugin forum asking for help  how to get it to see the other cache drives i posted pics


as for the Main.  you cant hit STOP  it wont let you


reason i was saying  i gotta reboot unraid to stop it


so krusader is the best bet then..  so not sure what symlinks are..  but is it better for me to move the cache then with mover?   or krusader.. as i gotta reboot unraid to stop mover..

as its been over an hour and half  and i only moved 56gb  



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ah well maybe if its not that could be a future request to unraid?


but that worked the mover stop... so ill just krusader each disk to the SSD..  i appreciate the help..  ya i dont know what those symlinks you mentioned

so does that mean when the mover works from copying a Cache drive to the array its going to be slow too?


so whats best practice?  when you update your cache drive  ur supposed to turn off docker and vms  managers  and then run mover.. but will it always run slow?

and then vice versa..  i havent used mover much i just noticed it was taking god awful time..  so i figured maybe my system was broken


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@Squid  is there anyway to boost the speed of mover?


i just got in the mail a new 7000mb/s nvme  so i wanted to replace that cache i using above

i tried mover again gave up...

i ran  unbalance couldnt move it to nvme it can not see more then 1 cache pool..  so i moved to the array. so it moved 100gb in about 15 min  


now since unbalance..... cant see the 2nd cache 

so i moved the appdata and system to disk 5

to make it easier for mover


so now when i run the mover to engage copying from array to 2nd cache test pool cache


its moving at 1meg to 700kb/s    now that has to be wrong.. cuz it took 2 hours to move 2GB   

you mentioned symlinks  but this cant be true..  that it needs time to move files..  how can mover be so slow  when ppl talk about moving the files off the cache drive to the array over night..  to move 100gb i need a few days..


is there anything is my diagnostics  to tell me what is wrong with my unraid  cuz i already frustred with my SSH problem i posted in the other topic today..

and i frustrated with dynamic fan  speed..  its running when it should be off even if you enable or disable  it should be silent but all fans running full speedl..

i just having a bad day .. seems everything doesnt wanna work


i still have no login screen i mentioned in the SSH problem i having..  unraid has removed the login...  but its there is safe mode..

i just frustrated.. and i dont know whats broken  no one can tell me this program broke and is causing all this stuff..  i been still testing with 300gb hards i have  and i just pulled the 1 out it was flashing it was teh bad one.. i figured its causing the slow mover...    i have this blk update errors i dunno  what that is  i was getting those before i had those 300gb hard drives in..


just frustrated...  do i just wipe out unraid and start fresh?? erase everything or what do i do to fix it.. cuz i frustrated and it was all working before till i had a nvme go funny and when i first moved vms i had problems with my home assistant and everythng went down hill from there...



so i dunno how to fix my ssh issues in my other topic i cant get this thing to move faster  then 1gb of data an hour

the other guys couldnt find any errors in my diagnostic log  in my ssh problem today. so i dunno.. i lost





mover issues still.PNG

unraid errors.PNG


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ill probably just stop using those 300gb hds  as i was just using it as a "test cache drive"  to learn about multiple cache drives


but i pulled the drive out that was bad but speeds did not increase.. and i dont see how you can see a progress of mover.. what file its on  how many files to go etc



i pulled out all the drives that arent part of the array and pools  but no change


update :

an hour later   its bumped up speed from 1mb and less to 2.6mb/s  

something is bottle necking it.. but hopefully  it pick up speed  i wish there was some error..  this program has broken everything  kinda thing

so after 3 hours   i have move 11gig  of 100gb  50 gb of system and 50 gb of appdata..



after 6 hours or so  its only moved 26gb


i pretty sure this cant be right.. good thing its only 100gb  not 1tb 




i currently trying  Safe mode with no plugins but gui option


i tried the mover now..  its a bit faster from 2.3mb to 5mb/s    but will drop down to 600kb/s

i thought maybe it was a plugin.. so could it be something wrong with array and if so how can i test if things are working at peak performance?


must be something  corrupt in the appdata??  that took 6 7 hours... once it got to the system  it acceleratored jumping to 500mb/s and on off around 130mb/s    

are there symblinks you mentioend in appdata?  or is the appdata corrupt in there?  or is it just normal for appdata  to go that slow...


and is it it maybe plex?  should plex be on its own SSD  the appdata info  away from the regular appdata?

Edited by comet424
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