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Windows: Sync network share with softlinks to make it indexable for Windows Search

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Indexed Searching on network shares works only if:


The implementation of the Windows Search Protocol in Linux' Samba is still in development:

https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2020-April/229273.html Last Statement I found

https://github.com/noelpower/samba/tree/WSP-WIP-4.11 Project


So I came up with this simple windows batch script, which syncs locally the target share by creating softlinks (which allows only indexed searching for filenames and not size or content):

SET target="C:\Users\<your_username>\unraid\sharename"
SET source="\\tower\sharename"
PushD %source% &&(
    forfiles -s -c "cmd /c IF @isdir==TRUE mkdir ""%target%""\@relpath"
    forfiles -s -c "cmd /c IF @isdir==FALSE mklink ""%target%""\@relpath ""%source%""\@relpath"
) & PopD


Simply paste it into a file like softsync.bat and execute it as admin.


Source (network share):



Target (local):



Search result:




Its a one-way sync. This means if files are deleted on the network share the symlink still exists. You could delete the local folder content at the beginning of the script, if you like to cover deleted files as well.








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