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Windows 10 Peer–to–Peer File Sharing Guide


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While @Batter Pudding and I were discussing secure Unraid and Windows file sharing, I brought up the topic of Peer–to–Peer Windows 10 secure file sharing. He provided me with a very basic guide of how to do this. I took the time to assemble his information into a PDF file.


I then had a debate with myself about what to do with this information. One line of thought said to post it up in a new thread in this subforum. Another line said that it should not be posted at all for several reasons:


  1. Windows 10 Peer–to–Peer secure sharing is not really an Unraid issue.
  2. Windows 10 Home does not really support secure Peer–to–Peer file sharing. Windows 10 Pro is the entry level version that has enough networking tools to allow a clean user interface and secured Peer–to–Peer file sharing.
  3. Windows 10 Peer–to–Peer secure filing sharing does not seem to be exactly the environment that Microsoft intends SMB to be actually deployed in 2021. It is a very small part of a much larger networking universe that usually requires a trained/schooled professional to setup and maintain. It can become very easy to find yourself in over your head as one tries to add just one more desired feature. (It would seem that they intend Peer–to–Peer to be used in a home environment in an unsecured manner. This is all Window 10 Home basically supports!)


However, there are Unraid users running Windows 10 PRO who are interested in a secure environment in their home networking setup. This information will help you to achieve this goal.

Plus, there are probably a few users who have very small businesses that have only a few networked computers that they would like to secure without the expense of an IT consultant. A person with above-average technical skills will probably be able to get a workable setup deployed. Should you find yourself getting in over your head, you will probably have acquired enough knowledge to conduct meaningful interviews to select an IT professional that you can work with.

As you can tell, after several months of procrastination, I decided to post up the PDF. Make use of it as you will.


One final thought, we created a user, Charlie, in the PDF. Remember Charlie is just the name of a set of rules that any user who is logged in to the server computer as Charlie will be following!  In a typical home environment, I might set up two users– Parent and Kid.  (Obliviously, the Parent user has different privileges than the Kid user!) Each client computer (or user profile) would log onto the Peer-to-Peer server(s) as one of those two users. Furthermore, there can be more than one client computer logged in using either of these profiles since the actual user name on the server is client-computer-name\user-name! The same line of thought could be applied to a small business where two of the user profiles might be Owner and Cashier.

Windows 10 Peer–to–Peer File Sharing Guide.pdf

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