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Cache Settings Min. Free Space V6.9.2


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I noticed that the pop-up explanation in the Cache settings tab on minimum free space states:


This defines a "floor" for the amount of free space remaining in the volume. If the free space becomes less than this value, then new files written via user shares will fail with "not enough space" error.


I had thought that if this was set to, say, 80GB that if the cache had less than 80GB it would simple write to the array instead as opposed to cache first then Mover later.  Does the copy of file really fail (i.e., nothing is written to the array) or is this just bad wording on the pop-up?



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8 minutes ago, BC2112 said:

that if the cache had less than 80GB it would simple write to the array instead as opposed to cache first then Mover later.

Depends on the use cache setting for the share you're writing to, if set to cache=yes or prefer, then yes, it will overflow to the array, assuming enough space there.

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