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Accidentally removed docker template


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I am running the youtube-dl-material docker (tzahi12345/youtubedl-material) and then I was in the Add Container page and selected it as the template because I wanted a second installation of it. I filled in some information and then I clicked the 'X' icon at the top of the page next to the Template field and clicked yes on the Are You Sure popup. I thought it would just clear my information from this page but, it deleted the template entirely. Oops.


Now, when I go to my existing youtube-dl-material docker and click Edit, it brings me to the Update Container page but it has no information populated. It doesn't even have a name.


What do I do now? If I search in community apps for youtube-dl-material, it just links me back to the same blank edit page since it knows I already have it installed. How can I check what the config should look like?


You wound up hitting apply on the Blank Template.  Within Previous Apps, remove it from Previous Apps (Actions).  Then you can reinstall it fresh from a search and set stuff accordingly


34 minutes ago, unburt said:

Add Container page and selected it as the template because I wanted a second installation of it.

Easier (and less work on your part) to enable "Allow 2nd instance" from within CA's settings and then you can install second instances (and have the name and appdata automatically adjusted so as to not interfere with the original)


No easy way to recover from the deletion (and subsequent Are you sure dialog) unless you've got a backup of the file somewhere.  (MyServer's flash backup won't help you since it would have also been updated and doesn't currently support history)


Thanks for the advice. I think only Removed dockers will show up in Previous Apps? In any case, it wasn't there so I removed the docker and then reinstalled it from CA. I guess the most important thing was to relocate the /appdata/ for the application since that is where all of its state is stored between shutdowns and luckily I could guess my other config settings since there weren't many.


Thanks for telling me about "Allow 2nd instance"!

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