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Preemptive correction(s)

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Ok.  I've got preclear running on four 2TB drives right now.  Didn't (for whatever reason regardless of the reading I've done here) anticipate it getting only to 54% after 22 1/2 hours.  Soooo, bored and poking around I decided to peek at the syslog.  I'm not (yet) completely sure what I'm looking at, that is, I'm not fluent in reading them just yet.. and I figure since I evidently have 20 more hours or so of preclear left, that I might be able to preemptively correct any issues before I actually attempt to bring the array up/live.  So included is my syslog, if any and all veterans of unRAID could take a look at it, I would greatly appreciate it.  I'm here for the long haul, so I hope to through time and such, gain enough experience/wisdom concerning unRAID to then return the favor to others in the future, starting out where I am at this point.  Maybe obvious, but, I wanted to reassure everyone just the same.


Appreciate it.. back to watching paint dry..


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