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Unraid crash when array is starting


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Hi, I'm fairly new to unraid having some issue with my Unraid server as of late.

Whenever the array is started the server crashes after a few hours. It ususally happens some time after the parity check is complete. I tried cancelling the check but the behavior is the same.


I tried taking a look at the syslog but I didn't see anything to explain the crashes. Is there other logs that would be relevant to look at ?


I could use some help to figure out what is going on.


Thanks !



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I'm trying to unload (modprobe -r i915) the i915 module to see if it stops the crashes but I can't seem to figuure out how to.

I run the command I get a "FATAL: Module i915 is in use" message and I can't find any config file that would load the module during boot.

I checked /boot/config/go but no dice.


How would I do that ? blacklist in modprob.d ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm starting to think, there is something else caussing the crash. I blacklisted the i915 module and removed everything I could think of that was using it but I still get crashes.

The wierg thing is the crashes never happened if the Partiy check is running. I tried starting the array without docker but I get the same issue.


And no info in syslog so I'm at a loss. Any idea where to look to see what is going on ?

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