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Dedicated VM - What hardware needed for passthrough

De Jean

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Hi All,


i'm looking to upgrade my hardware to have a unraid server (nas + docker + 2 dedicated VM's for gaming / daily use / work / ... (me and my girlfriend)


I would like to know what hardware i would need for passtrough on the VM:

- GPU card (that's sure) - 1 for each vm

- usb (for keyboard and mouse / maybe headset) - do i need a pcie card for every vm or can i passthrough the usb slots of the motherboard

- Sound card needed per vm? or is a usb headset just fine?  Can i passthrough the motherboard soundcard for 1 / multiple vm?

- other things i didn't think about before buying?


i'm not looking for the server/unraid hardware, just looking for the passthough hardware for 2 vm, so i know how many pcie slots i need on the motherboard. (as the max is 7 pcie and already losing some slots by the multiple slot GPU card)


Couldn't find this question, so spare me if this question already has been asked before.


Thanks for your help and my best wishes for 2022.





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3 hours ago, De Jean said:


i'm not looking for the server/unraid hardware, just looking for the passthough hardware for 2 vm, so i know how many pcie slots i need on the motherboard.

Physical slots, while obviously necessary, are not nearly as important as a CPU and chipset capable of keeping that many resources separated and supplied with bandwidth. The number of usable lanes is quite limited with normal consumer CPU's.


I suggest you search out a build that is currently doing what you need, and copying it pretty much exactly.

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