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Slow Parity Rebuild - Drive Location Best Practice

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I moved my drives over to new hardware over the weekend after my server motherboard packed in.  I had to rebuild the parity drive (not sure if this is normal or not?) and set it off going, it was running at 1.2MB/sec and reckoned on 75 days to complete.  I looked on here yesterday to see if that was normal and realised it was waaaaaay to slow, so I looked for solutions, got nowhere, and ended up trying the drives in different locations.  I ended up rebuilding Parity over night at 140MB/sec after putting the Parity drive on a different controller to the data drives.


My concern is that now if I put more drives in they must go on the same controller as Parity, so if I end up rebuilding again in the future I'd be stuck with a two month rebuild!


My motherboard has 6 SATA ports and a SAS connector, with two 4-bay hard drive controllers, one connected to SAS, one to SATA.  So I think I have 4 empty SATA ports to cover my Cache drive.


So my questions are, what was the likely cause of the slow rebuild, will I have the same problem in future and what's the best practice setup with this hardware?  Should I move the Parity drive onto a separate SATA port away from the data drives for example?



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Thanks, so in theory there's no reason Parity should benefit from being treated differently to the other drives in terms of its access to the motherboard?


I'm just adding another disk and clearing that one was running at a very slow speed too, is that likely to be the same problem?  I remembered I was supposed to pre-clear the drive, so I stopped that.


For some reason Google Chrome is trying to translate bits of the UnRaid webpage to French, so my nbew drive has been renamed from SDB to bathroom. LOL



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