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Noob question regarding the flash drive & trial


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Hi unraid community!


I'm a super-fresh unraid user, so please bear with redudant questions, thank you 😃


I've build two Servers - one for me, working fine & is registered with an unraid basic licence, the other is for a rather non-tech-savvy-friend. Configuration is done, but I wanted to use a super nice (and theme fitting) USB Stick. You can smell the question already 😃


I'm am unsure how to proceed now - because I cannot "switch" the flash drive without immediatly buying a licence. This is intended behavior - I get why. I just wanted to prepare the box beforehand - present it and then get the licence.


My current plan is to just use the original, trial-bound flash drive and swap them out once the server has been demoed (the trial period is ample time for ANYTHING, btw). I would then setup his account and buy the licence on the new flash drive. I've copied the "config" folder over to the new one and renamed the EFI- directory accordingly (his hardware reacts way better to UEFI boot than legacy, couldn't exactly figure out why).



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I recommend setting up the permanent flash drive with a new trial and migrating your config to it. All the files you need to copy over are in the config folder, pretty much all plain text stuff, open them and look. That way the server is running with all the final hardware in trial mode in case something is off. You just need to reassign the disks to the proper logical slots.

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