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Specific drives not appearing in Unraid anywhere

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have a Dell H200 connected to various drives that are being passed through to Unraid correctly. Two drives I've come across are not showing up in unassigned drives or anywhere in the diagnostics that I can see, but seem to be powering on and spinning up. I've moved the drives to different spots using different SATA connections and different SATA power connections, nothing changes as long as the drives are plugged into the H200. The same two drives will appear in a Windows machine correctly and the same two drives will show up in Unraid if I plug them into the motherboard directly with SATA cables. I'm unsure of how to access the configuration menu of the H200 or I imagine I'd be able to see what is happening there. I'm not sure what diagnostics file to attach, so I can provide that if needed.

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