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(SOLVED) Slow Parity-Sync/Data rebuild roughly 300KB/sec to 1.2MB/sec

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi All,

I was wonderineg if someone could give me a hand with this. I can't seem to figure out why my parity-sync is taking forever (roughly 300KB/sec to 1.2MB/sec 300+ days for 46tb). Originally I thought it was because I had faulty drives so I've replaced them both but it's still really slow. It's currently rebuilding the parity.

I've also done speed tests on the drives and smart tests and all coming back as clear from what I can see. Not sure if i'm reading them wrong or doing something wrong though.

Would be super greatful if someone could point me in the right direction or could give me a list of steps to try and figure out how to diagnose and fix this. I also don't mind repeating some of the steps I've already taken to try and figure out what is going on.
Unraid Version: 6.9.2



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11 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Could be power or SATA related, why I mentioned cables plural.

Right, sorry. I wasn't too clear on what I meant. I was talking about drive specifically. I don't know how to read the diagnostics yet so I'm not sure what kind of level of logging it gives. Thanks for the direction though. I guess it's time to reseat all the cables and replace everything that I can hahaha.

Edit -

I forgot to ask, If that doesn't solve my issue what would be the next steps I can take?

Edited by Yimm
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14 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Yes, I mentioned it above, it's parity.

Thanks heaps for bearing with me. I just reseated the power and replaced the other cable and that has seem to have done the trick so far.
It was only after you mentioned the parity that I noticed the errors count on on the main screen.
Thank you again!

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  • Yimm changed the title to (SOLVED) Slow Parity-Sync/Data rebuild roughly 300KB/sec to 1.2MB/sec

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