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Logs filling up with pcie error (6.10rc2)

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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So my logs are filling up with the error shown in the screenshot. Just wondering if anyone else had run into this, I assumed it was a hardware error but would this be a fault of the CPU or the motherboard?

At first this error was showing it was a GPU in slot 1, moved it to another slot and the error is still happening but with a seemingly unoccupied port.


Asus x99 WS/IPMI
i7 - 5820k



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I was actually just testing something I found over on Reddit. Seems to be just an x99 problem overall and I've turned off pcie ASMP in the bios and it looks like the problem has stopped scrolling. Though they did mention suppressing the messages as well with the one you linked. Thank you, always good to have a backup plan.

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