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Updated: Unraid Stress and Temperature Testing with Docker - CPU Temps, System Stablity


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Wanted to document this for others, if your Unraid system has Docker enabled there are very simple ways to stress your CPU and system for checking temperatures, cooling and stability.


Even without prime95, stress or stress-ng being easily available as an Unraid “app” if you can access your server via ssh you can easily stress test and max out your server. A Docker image is available specifically built to stress the system made possible by DigitalOcean.


1) Login via SSH - Access your Unraid server via ssh. You’ll login with your root credentials.


2) Docker Command - Enter this command at the prompt to do a quick first test:

docker run --rm -it progrium/stress --cpu 2 --io 1 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 10s


On first run Docker will download the Docker image from DockerHub and the command tells it to run on 2 CPUs for only 10 seconds.


3) Tweak For You Needs - After you are successful with your first run. Press the up arrow and your last command should be shown. Go ahead and tweak the "cpu" and "timeout" values to what’s appropriate to your system and the test you are looking to run. I wouldn't max to your total threads on the first few runs get a feel for how it effects the system.


4) Watch CPU Usage and Temps - You should be able to see your CPU ramping up on the Unraid Dashboard tab in your web browser and if you install Dynamix System Temp in the Apps tab you should also see your temps.


Hope this helps someone!


Edited by hedrinbc
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