[SUPPORT] SmartPhoneLover - RustyPaste

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This docker template was created based on an already available docker image

GitHub (1): https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste

GitHub (2): https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste-cli
DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/orhunp/rustypaste
My Repository: https://github.com/SmartPhoneLover/unraid-docker-templates


Rustypaste is a minimal file upload/pastebin service.



- File upload & URL shortening & upload from URL

- Supports basic HTTP authentication

- Random file names (optional)

- Supports expiring links

- Supports one shot links (can only be viewed once)

- Guesses MIME types (overriding and blacklisting)

- No duplicate uploads

- Single binary

- No database, filesystem is used

- Written in Rust


How to upload files to the server?
You have three main different ways by wich you can upload files to your RustyPaste server.
• [UI] Using some kind of web-based file browser, like: Krusader, File Browser or MC from Terminal).
For example, using Krusader, copy/move and paste the decided file on '/.../rustypaste/upload/*' directory.
• [CLI] Using the 'curl' command.
This method offers you two different ways by wich you can upload files to your server:
1. Locally...
Use the cmd 'curl -F 'file=@file_name.ext' server_addres'. Example: 'curl -F 'file=pink_house.jpg''.
2. Remotly...
Use the cmd 'curl -F 'url=https://server.com/file_name.ext" server_addres'. Example: 'curl -F 'file=https://pinkserver.com/pink_house.jpg''.


How do I call my files from the server?
It's as simple as writing 'server_address/file_name.ext' from any web browser, or you can use 'curl server_address/file_name.ext'.


• Run the following cmds before creating the container: 'mkdir -m777 -p /mnt/user/appdata/rustypaste/uploads' and 'curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/orhun/rustypaste/master/config.toml --output /mnt/user/appdata/rustypaste/config.toml'.
• You have many other parameters to pass to the server when uploading a file, like: one shot links, random file names, time expiration, url shortening, use credentials when using HTTP POST. Chech the GitHub repo to know more: 'orhun/rustypaste-cli.'


1.0 (2022-02-09)

If you are going to report a bug or request something to be added/modified, please, take into consideration that I will only be able to apply changes for the work I own only. For example, if I create a docker template for an already existing docker image (not created by me), I won't be able to do more for that image than forward your report or request to the owner of the project.

If you like my work, please consider making a little donation.
Thank you very much 🙂

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