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Transferring Data from Windows Storage Spaces to Unraid

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Hi there, I apologize if this is a repeated question but after hours/days of Googling and searching, I haven't really found a solid answer.


I am planning to begin an Unraid server for Plex that is currently hosted on a Windows machine using Storage Spaces. I have been using Parity so the five drives I have in storage pool all show under one "drive" in File Explorer. In total, I am using roughly 17.5TB within this pool that I would like to transfer to Unraid. I currently have two 6TB HDD's that are new/fresh and are what I plan to utilize for transferring the data, but the "how" is where I am unsure.


I've watched SpaceInvader One's videos on migrating data and think that this is the best course of action, however I want to confirm if it will work here:

1. Add new 6TB HDD's to array.

2. Add old individual HDD's to Unraid as an Unassigned Device using the plugin (one at a time from current Windows machine).

3. Use Krusader to then move the data from the Unassigned HDD's to the new 6TB's in the array.

4. Format the old HDD's once they are empty and add them to the array.

5. Repeat this process until all old HDD's are empty.


I plan to use at least one of the 6TB HDD's as Parity so I think I may need to only add one of the two at first for the data transfer, then add the second and mark it as Parity in order to not lose data. Is that correct?


Also, since my Storage Pool is currently recognized in Windows as just one large pool instead of five separate, will there be issues with Unraid recognizing what is on each individual disk and be able to move the data within Krusader?


Is this feasible? Thanks for your time!

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Hmm.. that's what I was worried about. I do have two PC's at home, one for Plex that I am looking to change to Unraid, and then just a normal desktop PC. Would a solution be to buy one additional 6TB HDD for 18TB total, mount those onto the desktop PC, then use the Unraid USB key on the desktop for the purpose of transferring the data via the network? Then, once that is complete, move the hardware back over to the Plex PC and use the same Unraid USB key there to complete the switch? Or would Unraid recognize that the hardware (motherboard, RAM, etc.) had changed and not allow that?

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