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[SUPPORT] SmartPhoneLover - Admidio (Free Online Membership Management)

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This docker template was created based on an already available official docker image


WebSite: https://www.admidio.org/
Forum: https://www.admidio.org/forum/index.php
GitHub: https://github.com/Admidio/admidio
DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/admidio/admidio
Documentation (1): https://www.admidio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:2.0:index

Documentation (2): https://www.admidio.org/demo_en/adm_program/overview.php
My Repository: https://github.com/SmartPhoneLover/unraid-docker-templates


Admidio is a free open source user management system for websites of organizations and groups. The system has a flexible role model so that it’s possible to reflect the structure and permissions of your organization. You can create an individual profile for your members by adding or removing fields. Additional to these functions the system contains several modules like member lists, event manager, guestbook, photo album or a documents & files area.


Live demo:


• MySQL or PostgreSQL database is required.


1.0 (2022-02-24)

If you are going to report a bug or request something to be added/modified, please, take into consideration that I will only be able to apply changes for the work I own only. For example, if I create a docker template for an already existing docker image (not created by me), I won't be able to do more for that image than forward your report or request to the owner of the project.

If you like my work, please consider making a little donation.
Thank you very much 🙂

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It seems to me that the SQL-Server-Part of the Config-File "config.php" is resetted, every time i (re)start the docker.


// Access to the database of the SQL-Server
$g_adm_srv = 'localhost';
$g_adm_port = null;
$g_adm_db = 'admidio';
$g_adm_usr = 'admidio';
$g_adm_pw = 'admidio';


Edited by hylli
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  • 6 months later...

OK, habe "eine" Lösung selbst entdeckt: Auf der Docker Hub Seite von Admidio...
...ist ein weiterführender Link zu einer README bzgl. Docker-Installation:


Hier habe ich mich an die Angaben unter "Start an admidio server instance with advanced options" gehalten, und folgende Variablen bei der Docker-Konfiguration in UnRAID hinzugefügt und mit den jeweils korrekten Werten versehen:



  -e ADMIDIO_DB_TYPE="mysql" \
  -e ADMIDIO_DB_HOST="db:3306" \
  -e ADMIDIO_DB_NAME="admidio" \
  -e ADMIDIO_DB_USER="admidio" \
  -e ADMIDIO_DB_PASSWORD="my_VerySecureAdmidioUserPassword.01" \
  -e ADMIDIO_ROOT_PATH="https://www.mydomain.at/admidio" \

Eine Stolperfalle war dabei die Variable ADMIDIO_ORGANISATION, da ich nicht mehr genau wusste, wie ich die Organisation bei der Ersteinrichtung benannt hatte.


Den entsprechenden Wert fand ich in der Datenbank von Admidio in der Tabelle adm_organizations.



Edited by hylli
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  • 1 year later...



after one of the last updates - and I really do not know when exactly that happened - I had to apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates in the container to get smtp up and running again. /etc/ssl/certs/ was basically empty before. Did I miss something in the update? Just want to prevent damage. smtp definitely was working before. 



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