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Samba shares got corrupted somehow?

Go to solution Solved by plantsandbinary,

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For some reason in the last few hours none of my devices can read samba shares. The files DO exist on the drive and can be seen in the terminal or by apps in Docker, but in Samba? Some show up and some are not accessible at all.


For example in my: //TOWER/tank DIR I have the following files:


DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, FILE1, FILE2, FILE3 etc.


DIR1, DIR2 give an error, which is different depending on which app I use. FILE1, FILE2, also don't work but DIR3 and FILE3 are fine for some reason...


The error when trying to open the folder/file has been: r2 resource not available, unable to find requested file or directory, file/directory not available etc.


Here are my /etc/smb/ .conf files (as attachments)

They look fine to me.


I haven't done anything or changed anything. Why has this suddenly happened? I rebooted and ran a full parity check and got no errors either. How do I get samba working fine again?

smb.conf smb-names.conf smb-shares.conf

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