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Everything posted by plantsandbinary

  1. Hi thanks, I changed the endpoint but it still won't work. Same error that it couldn't generate a token. Nevermind, I forgot that I changed my VPN password lmao, but didn't update it in the docker container. Oof. Works fine now.
  2. Why is this suddenly happening? QBT has stopped working entirely. 2024-04-20 15:29:13,843 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: -------------------- 2024-04-20 15:29:13,846 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] Configuring WireGuard... 2024-04-20 15:29:14,199 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token for wireguard from URL '' [info] 12 retries left [info] Retrying in 10 secs... 2024-04-20 15:29:24,477 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token for wireguard from URL '' [info] 11 retries left [info] Retrying in 10 secs... 2024-04-20 15:29:34,662 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token for wireguard from URL '' [info] 10 retries left [info] Retrying in 10 secs... 2024-04-20 15:29:45,048 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token for wireguard from URL '' [info] 9 retries left [info] Retrying in 10 secs... 2024-04-20 15:29:55,302 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json to generate token for wireguard from URL '' [info] 8 retries left [info] Retrying in 10 secs...
  3. It seems my plugin doesn't have access to write in this DIR? Support ID: 62af874b-1d6a-4f98-8040-4532565b21cb Any idea why? What am I supposed to do in this situation, it can't back anything up. Can I also avoid any "Null mapping" errors too? I have them eg. with the VSCODE container.
  4. Nevermind it works. I just needed to shut off the container long enough for Cloudflare to wipe everything. I was getting served a cached version.
  5. Wow super fast reply. Thanks! Do you have any idea why SearXNG is not respecting my settings.yml? I have changed a few settings in the /appdata/searxng/settings.yml file and it doesn't seem to respect these as the defaults at all. I know that it used to but now it doesn't seem to. I have a mostly default template setup: The settings file doesn't seem to have any syntax errors or anything either. Mainly I wanted to turn on safesearch etc. and set centred results and so on. Yet it seems to just ignore these. I've also cleared cookies, tried on incognito and of course restarted the container a few times. Any ideas?
  6. The issue that describes the differences between SearX and SearXNG has been deleted from Github: Could you please update the description to remove this dead link?
  7. NETBIOS was on as it is by default. Could you please add to the Plugin info page (unless I missed it) that this needs to be OFF. To help save other people the major headache I've had to deal with. Thanks <3
  8. Sorry for triple posting but I just noticed that in this case tailscale1 seems to be given an IPv6 address but no IPv4 address. I am obviously trying to connect via "\\IPv4\sharename" and I don't even have IPv6 enabled on my router. I'm not at home and can't shut down docker (without losing access) but I see in network it says IPv4 + IPv6. I'll change it to IPv4 only and report back, I hope it is as simple as that, otherwise I still need help. EDIT: I disabled IPv6 and chose only IPv4 and it's still listing an IPv6 route in the table at the bottom image... So I still need help. Can someone also please confirm if we need to do this really ugly 'go' fix too?
  9. Here's some more screenshots of the setup. Am I missing some settings or something somewhere?
  10. I cannot for the life of me get Tailscale to give me access to my Samba share outside of my network. 1. I have Tailscale installed on both my laptop and my Unraid server. 2. I have normal samba shares on my Unraid 3. I have set these to Export > Yes, with a username and password 4. When trying to map the network drive, using IP address or DNS I am always getting the below error 5. I have not been able to make this work via the Tailscale Docker app or now using the Tailscale Unraid Plugin The error I get is either the below one or "Windows requires a share to publish to". It has never worked even once. Can someone please help me get this working?
  11. How am I supposed to know what order it should be in to get the green icon? It's annoying. I tried reordering just one container and nothing stops it from being red. There's not clear enough explanation what this feature even does and where I am supposed to be able to compare it to the real Unraid order so I know they are the same. This just seems like a pointless annoyance at this stage.
  12. Hi folks. I followed all the steps here (except editing the .go file because I don't know what file to edit). It says it is listening now on br0, tailscale0 However, I am still not able to use samba or login to my Unraid via its IP or tailscale DNS. This is a huge dealbreaker for me. Previously it.just.worked... I tried to get around this and not rely on this but recent events mean that I absolutely NEED this to work with Unraid. What am I missing here?
  13. I cannot for the life of me get this to work with my samba shares on Unraid... It USED to work, but it hasn't worked at all for quite a few versions. Here is my setup: 1. Installed Tailscale on my Unraid with this docker container (also set available as an exit node) 2. Installed Tailscale on my Laptop 3. Set up a DNS via Talscale 4. Connected both machines via Tailscale 5. On my laptop I've tried //TOWER/storage (cannot find) and mapping a network drive. eg. //tailscale_ip/share1, http://tailscale_dns/share1 and basically every single combination. It was some many months ago I could simply go into my Network Locations in Windows and just type //TOWER and all my shares would show up. Now after an update of Tailscale or Unraid etc. this no longer happens. I could also map the network drives with simply: //tailscale_dns/share1 Nothing like this works anymore. It seems to try and connect because there's a lag whilst it attempts a connection but I just keep getting errors from Windows like: It never even asks me for my share username and password. Please someone, some help? Doesn't matter if I set to use an exit node or not. What could I be missing? This seriously should be as simple as installing Tailscale on both devices, turning it on and then adding the share... That's meant to be the point of Tailscale. EDIT: Could this be the issue? Something wrong with Unraid itself that changed during an update? to work flawlessly. Just install on both machines and don't even need to set any extra settings. I could mount things no problem. After a few updates of Tailscale and Unraid it just stopped working. As I said, this used
  14. speedtest-tracker container is STILL broken. It's been more than 8 months and you still have more than 50% chance when you go to use it, it just says 500 SERVER ERROR
  15. Is the element container broken? I get this error whenever I try and install it. It worked many months ago but not now. EDIT: Nvm, I was missing the initial steps to pull the config.json in the description. No idea why they cannot just be added as a step in the docker container...
  16. So I've also just found that not only did my qBittorrent container get completely destroyed after the last update. It's also removed my ability to download, upload and my original username and password. Looks like I'm going to have to do a full reinstall of it. FFS. I wish there was a way to see this in a changelog or something BEFORE I update the container. I'm going to turn off future updates for this container...
  17. I forgot to say that for some reason I don't even seem to have the [Locking] part in the config file, so I have no idea what is going on here. Technically it should have no problem logging me in without it. EDIT: I have no idea why or how but it seems to have defaulted back to: admin adminadmin I logged in and changed it again via the UI... super weird. EDIT AGAIN: I guess this is what the guys above me are talking about. I suppose some update has nuked my config for some reason... pretty stupid.
  18. qBittorrent has for some reason started complaining about my password after I updated Unraid to 6.12.3 I didn't have this problem before at all. I haven't changed my username and password either or even touched any of the appdata stuff. Any ideas how I can fix this and get back into the container? I can't see anything that is happening in there.
  19. I'm using your hexo-blog container and it is amazing so far. Otherwise flawless. However I have noticed 2 things in the logs: 1. It is not possible to install any plugins which have a dash in the name (which is literally all of them) Installing additional plugins "hexo-cli, hexo-generator-searchdb, hexo-all-minifier, " npm ERR! code EINVALIDTAGNAME npm ERR! Invalid tag name "hexo-cli," of package "hexo-cli,": Tags may not have any characters that encodeURIComponent encodes. EDIT: Nevermind it's because I was mistakenly separating the plugin names with a comma and not a space as it was instructed. 2. npm is pretty outdated and likely should be regularly updated, as it is much more unlikely to break things during an update, than if it stays outdated. npm corruption is a pretty common thing with older versions. I have even myself had to troubleshoot this exact issue many times. npm notice npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.3 -> 9.8.0 npm notice Changelog: <> npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update! npm notice
  20. I'm hosting a blog using "hexo" container on port eg. 8820 It takes static .md files and hosts them at my blog domain at myblog.tld. To easily write those files I'd like to use another container "vscodium" to write the .md files. I've given vscodium a mount point: /blog Which is the unraid /user/appdata/hexoblog-data/source/pages/ DIR However in vscodium I don't have write permissions. Even though I marked the mount point in Unraid as Read/Write. vscodium says I don't have permission to write or edit files. What's the best way to fix this without risking damaging linux permissions? Thanks
  21. Man I take issue with so many of your comments but whatever. Different strokes for different folks. What I will say though is that every single motherboard manufacturer, especially Asus and Gigabyte have totally collapsed in quality in the last 3-4 years. Asus is the #1 scumbag manufacturer now in practically every respect. Gigabyte has dropped right off a cliff and competes with Asus now in bad policies and QA. I would say they aren't distinguishable in this regard. Unlike you I've only ever had issues with Gigabyte and always found them to charge another $100 for the exact same features as any other brand, just because "it's Gigabyte". The only thing I'll give them points for, are their amazing aftermarket GPUs and long warranty policies and amazing cooling on those. In the MB department though, nope. ASRock on the other hand have consistently shipped quality over and over. They're the most slept on company in the business. ASRock has competed brutally and unfailingly to try and stand up to the other companies. They've done this by having extremely good support, warranty policies and most importantly, unfailing hardware. Their motherboards are absolutely world class and come with so many extra features that most people can't live without when they get used to them. Where Asus tries to push garbage on you like their atrocious "Armoy Crate" and then totally ignores you on their support forum when you're getting constant crashes because of it, and Gigabyte and MSI bundle their motherboards with garbage middle/bloatware. ASRock focuses on stability. They've consistently been one of the first manufacturers to fully support new CPU architectures and release consistent BIOS updates even for extremely old hardware. Furthermore, they are specifically also focusing on niché users, in eg. making the ONLY mATX X570 board on the market. For people looking at smaller builds, this is HUGE. At the risk of sounding like a sales pitch, I HIGHLY encourage you to drop whatever predisposition you have toward them. As for Intel. I'd boycott Israel literally anywhere I can, for personal reasons. That's before we even talk about their terrible track record for exploits and security holes. Which is again even before we talk about their totally delusional pricing and insanely high temps compared to AMD. I mean sure if you know you absolutely need 24 cores or something, by all means pay the insane asking price for Intel. If you want far better power efficiency and much better price:performance ratio. AMD is the choice, no question. As I said, you can get a monster of an AMD chip for only fifty bucks which will crush that Intel chip of yours. On top of that, AMD boards have for a long time been far more stable, cheaper overall and generally come with better features. AMD boards were the first with 2.5G Ethernet, to not share lanes with CPU etc. But sure, I guess none of this matters if you are building an ultra-budget IDGAF-build. Lmfao. I am stealing this quote. Anyway enjoy your build dude. When you want better and more reliable components, refer to the first post I made.
  22. There is absolutely something wrong with this docker image. This happens roughly after 24 hours. I've rebuilt the container a few times and always the database becomes read-only. I can't add anything to the whitelist or blacklist afterward. Rebooting it solves the problem but this still always happens eventually. I've since shut this down and started using AdGuard DNS directly on my router with DNS-over-TLS. The performance is much better and I am not fighting with this container every 5 seconds. It's also overall far more reliable.
  23. How is it working? Is it giving you a 500 Network Error every few days or something? I am using the same one and getting this 500 Network Error after a day or two. A simple reboot fixes it but there's no error or anything else in the log why it stops working...
  24. Personally I would never build with intel ever. That CPU has a pretty high TDP. Obviously it won't always be running at max power but if you care about your power bill, you might want to look at AMD. I also wouldn't buy scumbag ASUS after their last BS. The ASRock X570M Pro4 is a super cheap, beast of a board in a micro form-factor. It's absolutely rock solid and will last you at least 5 years. The Ryzen 3600 can be got for $50 and is a beast of a chip. It still has 6 cores and 12 threads. If you want something a bit newer and faster then there's the Ryzen 5600 for about $100-110. Both of which are between 33%-60% better than the Intel you listed and half to 33% less expensive, in addition to being a LOT newer. If you can't find/don't want that board I think there's an X460 and B650 version of it too which are close to the same thing. I wouldn't use a CPU released in 2011 and discontinued in 2013 even for security reasons dude.