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ExpressVPN Router and Unraid not cooperating

Go to solution Solved by Frank1940,

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Hi all,


Got a Netgear R7000 yesterday and flashed with ExpressVPN, worked flawlessly.


Today I have moved my Unraid server from my main network to the EVPN router. Did a reboot as well to make sure it started up in its new environment. I cannot access the dashboard via IP or from the myservers portal and I do not know why.


Docker has started fine and containers can be connected to via the IP:PORT. VMs have started fine and have network connectivity so the machine does have network access. I thought it may be an issue with EVPN router not allowing devices to talk to each other but it is not that either.


I do have a monitor plugged into Unraid and it gives an IP address, appears on the routers DHCP table and can boot to GUI (although this is not ideal as the only access)


I feel like I am missing something obvious but I have tried everything I know. Don't know if it is just incompatible with the EVPN router or if there is an easy fix?

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  • Solution

You might be being bit by this:




More commonly, DNS rebinding protection could be enabled in your router. Most consumer routers do not implement DNS rebinding protection; but, if they do, a configuration setting should be available to turn it off.


Higher end routers usually do enable DNS rebinding protection. Typically there are ways of turning it off entirely or selectively based on domain.



DD-WRT: If you are using "dnsmasq" with DNS rebinding protection enabled, you can add this line to your router configuration file:



pfSense: If you are using pfSense internal DNS resolver service, you can add these Custom Option lines:

private-domain: "unraid.net"


Ubiquiti USG router: you can add this configuration line:

set service dns forwarding options rebind-domain-ok=/unraid.net/


OpenDNS: Go to Settings -> Security and remove the checkbox next to "Suspicious Responses - Block internal IP addresses". It is an all-or-nothing setting.


When all else fails, you may be able create an entry in your PC's hosts file to override external DNS and directly resolve your servers unraid.net FQDN to its local IP address.


This is a part of the 'Help' screen for    Settings >>>  Management Access     screen

Edited by Frank1940
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