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how to copy movies from unraid1 to unraid2 locally

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i would like to know how to copy movies from 2 different servers on the same network. it only needs to go in one direction.


also if it possible to

only copy files that aren't on unraid2. 

to delete files on unraid2 that the host(unraid1) doesn't have

here is an example




  movies - its a share

    Bad Boys (1995)

      Bad Boys (1995) 1080p

      Bad Boys (1995) trailer




  movies - its a share

    Bad Boys (1995)

      Bad Boys (1995) 720p    - will get deleted automatically

      Bad Boys (1995) 1080p  - got copied

      Bad Boys (1995) trailer  - didn't get copied because it was already here

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rsync with --delete will delete on the destination any files that don't exist on source but IIRC it will leave the empty folders, you can delete those after, if that's OK you can use:


rsync -av --delete /mnt/share/ dest_IP:/mnt/share/


Double check paths are correct before running, or do a dry run.


Another option is to run a sync utility in a Windows PC, like syncbackfree, it will be probably be a little slower but it will also delete the empty folders, or use rsync first then this to delete the empty folders.

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thanks for the help.

rsync -av --delete /mnt/user/test/movies/ ip:/mnt/user/movies

i put in the code then I got this msg

    The authenticity of host 'ip (ip)' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is *******.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?


I said yes. hopefully that was the right thing
    Warning: Permanently added 'ip' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.


then it asked for a password. I entered some of my passwords, none of them worked. I'm not sure what password it is asking for. is there a way to reset it?

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