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Unraid shows my disk fuller than it is

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Hi All


Through my years of Unraid use I've occasionally used manual transfer between disks using Krusader or SMB.


I've been busy with pretty large transfers between drives the last few days as I've been reorganising shares between drives.


However, I seem to have 'lost' free space in the process. Two of my 8TB drives show that they're 99% full but using SMB or Krusader there's only like 80-90% 'real' data on there. My guess is there are hanging bytes or something that Unraid sees as used but which are not really part of a readable file.


Is there any way to make Unraid re-evaluate the used space or something?



1. I know that it's *not recommended!* to do manual tranfers but I've never had any issues with it and at times it seemed to be the only way to move data from the cache drive or when UnBalance wouldn't cooperate.

2. I have read in the stars that the most straightforward advice will be to format the drives but I'm hoping there's a way to avoid this


Thanks in advance

Edited by project___unraid
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1 hour ago, project___unraid said:

Two of my 8TB drives show that they're 99% full but using SMB or Krusader there's only like 80-90% 'real' data on there.

How are you coming to that conclusion ?


Some part of the drive capacity will be used by the file system. The more advanced and resilient a FS is, the more metadata it requires. I would guess that some of the capacity is 'used' there.

Also, you should consider that different tools are using different measurement units (GB vs GiB).

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