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Retry unmounting user share...Unraid unable to unmount a drive not in array anymore and not being actively used...

Go to solution Solved by andyd,

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45 minutes ago, andyd said:

trying to format this drive after removing it from the array

Do you mean you actually shrunk the array with New Config and rebuilt parity? If not what were you hoping to accomplish by formatting an array disk outside (or even inside) the array?



attach diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread.


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After checking your posting history looks like this may be a continuation of other things you were doing. Maybe instead of saying you removed the drive from the array you really meant you had replaced it.


You should link to those other threads if they are relevant, or even just continue in that same thread so we have some context.


Still not clear where you are though so will await further explanation and diagnostics.



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Oh this is a completely separate issue - not related to the thread but it is a continuation of what I'm doing...


1. Removed a smaller drive from the array that was functioning properly but had data that I wanted

2. Drive not in array anymore

3. Moved the data from that drive back onto the array

4. Array is fine now / no data issues


I now want to format that drive / erase all data on it as I will replace another smaller drive I keep around as an unassigned device 


Edited by andyd
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