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Need help with new server - Array will not start

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So I just setup my server with (3) 6TB Red drives (1 for parity) and a 500GB WD SSD for cache.


I was watching a how-to video from Spaceinvader One on pre-clearing the drives first and adding them to the array, but I didn't realize the pre-clear needed to complete before adding them.  Now the drives are all added, but at the bottom of the Main tab under Array Operation it says "Starting". The start button is grayed out and there is no stop button. I've been looking for how to remove the drives from the array so that I could pre-clear them first. 


On the Dashboard tab all processors are displaying activity but in the "Array" section, all drives are marked as "unassigned". 

Can someone point me in the right direction? I have no idea what I should be looking for.






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21 hours ago, itimpi said:

Pre-clear is never required, (it is an optional step that some users like to do to act aa a stress test on the drives)  so something else is going on.


You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.



I was actually able to pre-clear the drives after all. I did a hard reboot last night and when the system came back up the drives were no longer in the array so I was able to continue pre-clearing. I do realize it's not required, but they're brand new drives and so I'd rather allow the stress test to flesh out any potential issues. Thanks!

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