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Replacement USB Key Error

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I've had a few boot issues with no Web GUI loading, so have tried replacing my USB key.  I originally purchased this key in March 2021, and have not used the USB replacement service in that time.


When I boot into Unraid, it tells me The Regisitered GUID does not match the USB Flash boot device GUID, and tells me to Fix the error, but when I go to Replace Key, its greyed out and says its ineligible.


Can anyone help??  My server is currently offline entirely!

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31 minutes ago, darkcyde said:

When I boot into Unraid, it tells me The Regisitered GUID does not match the USB Flash boot device GUID, and tells me to Fix the error, but when I go to Replace Key, its greyed out and says its ineligible.


Have you checked the new USB stick has a unique GUID?  What brand/model is it?


If the automated replacement does not work you will need to contact Limetech by email giving them the details.   

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