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SOLVED: Replaced cache disk, now it is reporting temp error in smart

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

That's correct the actual temp is 100-the attribute raw value, so 100-81=19, some devices have it like that.

thanks.  I will ignore it.  Wish devices reported uniformly to avoid such silly potential panic that my server is suddenly overheating.  meanwhile the other 15 drives appeared normal.  However, in the wake of just losing the cache drive and this being the replacement, it was genuine cause for concern.  I will proceed to ignore the message for now. 


This also helps explains the jump in value when I made changes to try and increase cooling.  Before the change it was 70 and after it was 80.  Given the above explanation, I did good, lowered the actual temp from 30 to 20.


appreciate the info

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