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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout

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I'm working on shrinking my array as I recently got larger capacity drives. I followed the guide for performing the shrink and after performing a new config and verifying the drives were assigned correctly I went to start the array and got that error message on one of the disks that was working previously. I've gone through and started the array in maintenance mode and run a disk check on the drive but that didn't resolve the issue. Any ideas on what I can do to resolve the issue or should I just start running through recovery options?

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1 minute ago, Crazywatermelon said:

I've gone through and started the array in maintenance mode and run a disk check on the drive but that didn't resolve the issue.

That's a partition error, not filesystem, so fsck won't fix it.


If parity is valid you can make Unraid rebuild that disk, and at that time the partition will be correctly recreated, to check you can unassign that disk and start the array, if the emulated disk mounts you can then rebuild on top.

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Depends on what exactly is wrong with the partition, Unraid requires a specific MBR signature, if the problem is there it will still mount with UD, you can them copy the data, if the partition itself is damaged you can try to fix it with testdisk, or use a file recovery util like UFS explorer to try and recover the data.

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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

Even after fixing with testdisk? Try rebooting if you didn't yet, if it still doesn't work you can try mounting manually while specifying the filesystem, if it still doesn't work file recovery util is the best bet.

Yes the issue is TestDisk is writing the partition as ~ 2MB. Its an 8 TB disk so a full scan is going to take much longer but I think I'll run that and see if TestDisk pulls up any other partitions.

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