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Server disabled disk-5 - recurring failure on multiple drives used

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Hoping for advice on next steps to resolve a persistent issue with Disk-5 failing on my server.  I've been working on this for several weeks.  The first failure I saw was an increase in reallocated sector counts and reported incorrect - which I figured was signs of a failing drive.  This was a 8TB drive that was from a prior RMA so I suspected it truly was a drive issue and pulled it to replace with a new retail 8TB drive.  I rebuilt the array on this new drive without issue.


A few weeks in that new retail 8TB drive is starting showing errors and the server disabled it.  This happened about a week ago and I figured I'd try to rebuild onto that same 8TB drive but swapping out the SATA cable (figured low chance of success but wanted to rule out a cable issue).  Not surprisingly I'm getting the same failure now with that drive being disabled.


I've attached diagnostics.   I'm fine with buying another new drive but skeptical since this that would be the 3rd drive used in same location on this server and I'm wondering if my luck is truly that bad or if there's a different problem?  Maybe this is an issue with the SATA port?  The mobo has 8 SATA ports and this is the 7th port I'm actively using.  Also checked into mobo bios and I'm many versions behind so maybe something there.


Appreciate any advice from those smarter than me since I'm sort of attacking this blindly right now.




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Thanks again - appreciate your input on this.  I'll have to investigate more when I'm physically near the server (I had to head out of town for a bit).


Regarding possible causes of interruption I'm thinking can't hurt to update mobo bios and maybe look at power supply as potential cause?  Server was rock solid until I added this 5th drive and the PS is a bit aged so maybe something intermittent there?

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4 minutes ago, tmembrino said:

Regarding possible causes of interruption I'm thinking can't hurt to update mobo bios and maybe look at power supply as potential cause?

Those don't seem very likely, but honestly except for spin down not sure what else could cause that, if you have another PC available you can try running it there.

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